Description The apples grown and harvested on our Organic farm in Alba at the right time, are processed within hours of harvesting, and cooked with the addition of sugar cane to get an all-natural jam in the tradition of Piedmont. The method used is the classic method used since ancient times for the preservation of ...
Description We take care af our Apricots for all the year! We are based in a little but rich region for food. We are infact in the Langhe hill and we have some land also in the Roero hill. We cook our best apricot, harvested at the right point of ripeness and processed within some ...
Description In our orchards in Alba, the capital of the Langhe hill, equidistant from Barbaresco and Barolo, we collect at the right point of ripening the apricots which are processed within some hours, and cooked with the addition only of sugar cane to get an all-natural jam in the tradition of Piedmont. The method used ...
Description The most juicy and sweet Blueberry are cooked with the addition of sugar cane. The method used is the classic method used since ancient times for the preservation of fruit. The fruit after being carefully washed and clean are simply cooked in a pot with the addition of sugar cane. We get a product ...
Description Our farm from long time cultivated in our orchards of Alba, Langhe and Roero, the cherries. The cherries are harvested by hand several times in the season to respect the natural aging and to allow us to have a product at the right point of ripening. On that way the fresh fruits are ...
Description Our farm from long time cultivated in our orchards of Alba, Langhe and Roero, the cherries. The cherries are harvested by hand several times in the season to respect the natural aging and to allow us to have a product at the right point of ripening. On that way the fresh fruits are ...
Description This delicious cream is obtained from the long work of an exceptional autumn fruit: chestnuts. Created by cooking the best “marroni” (chestnut) with the addition of cane sugar and flavored with vanilla, creamy and spreadable obtain a product is good to be eaten on bread but also suitable to be used as the basis ...
Descrizione Le migliori pere e mele, coltivate con estrema cura e amore con il metodo dell’agricoltura Biologica, sono raccolte nei frutteti al punto giusto di maturazione e lavorate dopo poche ore. Vengono cotte con la sola aggiunta di zucchero di canna. Il metodo di lavorazione a “cielo aperto” è il classico metodo utilizzato sin dai ...
Description In Alba, we also have figs … The best figs, collected in por orchards at the right point of ripeness and processed within hours are cooked only with the addition of sugar cane. The method used tis the classic method used since ancient times for the preservation of fruit. The fresh fruits after being ...
Description With the juiciest lemons we produce this fantastic marmelade. Obtained by working the best lemons with the addition of sugar cane, allows us to rediscover the true flavor of Mediterranean jam . The fruit is used strictly fresh fruit. The method used is the classic method used since ancient times for the preservation of ...
Description The best Madernassa Pears, harvested in our orchards in Alba, at the right point of ripeness and processed within hours, are cooked with the only addition of fructose. The method used is the classic method used since ancient times for the preservation of fruit. Fruit after being carefully washed and clean is simply cooked ...
Description The best bitter oranges are processed with the addition of sugar cane to get this partiocolare jam. The fruit is used strictly fresh fruit. The method used is the classic method used since ancient times for the preservation of fruit. Fruit fact after being carefully washed and clean is simply cooked in a pot ...
Description The best peaches grown in our orchards in Alba, “the capital of the Langhe”, are harvested at the right point of ripeness and processed within few hours and cooked with the addition of fructose. The method used is the classic method used since ancient times for the preservation of fruit. In fact the fruit ...
Description The best peaches, picked in our orchards at the right point of ripeness and processed within hours, are cooked with the only addition of sugar cane. The method used is the classic method used since ancient times for the preservation of fruit. Fruit after being carefully washed and clean is simply cooked in a ...
Description The best pears, picked in our orchards at the right point of ripeness and processed within hours, are cooked with the addition of sugar cane. The method used is the classic method used since ancient times for the preservation of fruit. Fruit after being carefully washed and clean is simply cooked in a pot ...
Description In our farm in Alba the plums grow in our orchards are harvested at the right point of ripeness and processed within few hours. They are cooked by adding only a small amount of fructose. The method used is the classic method used since ancient times for the preservation of fruit. The fruit, after ...
Description The best plums, picked in our orchardsat the right point of ripeness and processed within hours, are cooked with the addition of sugar cane The method used is the classic method used since ancient times for the preservation of fruit. The fruit after being carefully washed and clean are simply cooked in a pot ...
Description The Renetta apples grown and harvested on our Organic farmin Alba at the right time, are processed within hours of harvesting, and cooked with the addition of sugar cane to obtain an all-natural jam in the tradition of Piedmont. The method used is the classic method used since ancient times for the preservation of ...
C Description Our rhubarb is grown in the gardens of Alba and Langhe, it is harvested at the peak of ripeness. Of this plant it is used the drum. The best rhubarb is transformed with the addition of cane sugar with the method called “open sky”. The processing method is the classic method used since ...
Description The strawberries, grown and harvested in orchards of Alba and the Langhe and Roero are processed within some hours, and are cooked with the addition of only sugar cane. The method used is the classic method used since ancient times for the preservation of fruit. Fruit fact after being carefully washed and clean is ...
Description At the best strawberries, cultivated and harvested in orchards of Alba and the Langhe and Roero and processed a few hours later, we add only a small percentage of fructose to obtain this particular compost. In this way we can satisfy the needs of people with diabetes and those who daily struggle to maintain ...